الاثنين، 30 أبريل 2012

Chapter 6

I held my breath for a few seconds, and stood still. I didn't know what to think.

He think he killed a man ?


3abdlMajeed: Hala please answer i didn't mean to walla 


Y3ny esh ybeeni agooool ??

Me: what happened ?

3abdlMajeed: it happened so quickly

Me: what did ??
Me: Majeed wenk ?

3abdlMajeed: bl mstashfa ..

Me: WHAT ? leh ???
Me: ay mstashfa ??

3abdlMajeed: Hala ma btjeen el sa3a tgreeban 4 ..

Me: I don't care b97i s3ood oo bnji 

3abdlMajeed: el hospital elflani

Me: I'm coming, but first tell me esh 9ar ?

3abdlMajeed: knt asoog oo nayef kan m3ay bl sayara..

omg don't tell me he killed nayef

Me: Ok ????? esh 9ar ????

3abdlMajeed: I hit someone on the road


Me: Majeed I'm sure ma kan ga9dk its ok:*:* bs esh 9arla l7een y3ny mat ?

3abdlMajeed: lssa, hes in a coma

Me: 6yb majeed you didn't kill him don't worry he'll be fine enshalla *hug smiley*
Me: Oo nayef 9arla shy ?

3abdlMajeed: La 7amdella ho tmam bs bruises

Me: oo ent ??

3abdlMajeed: i broke a rib bs I'm okay walla

I think that broke my heart, he doesn't even care that he almost died he only cares about the man he ALMOST killed :"(

The minute i got the msg r7t 97et s3ood ywadini el mstashfa.

S3ood kan n9 nayem so i don't think sama3 elli glta

S3ood: 5alli s3eed ywadik 

oo he went back to bed.

am7ag a5.

7awalt a9a7i nora bs ma 97at b sab3 noomha el 25t.

akeed ma bkallm s3eed at this time mskeen, so 6l3t brra oo ga3adt adawr cab, adri its very dangerous oo law a7ad ektashaf mmkn y4ba7ni bs i don't care, i have to see majeed. 

After ymkn 5 mns i found a cab oo gltlla yroo7 el mstashfa el flani. honestly i was scared i never did anything like this. ever.

7amdella w9alt el mstashfa bdoon ma y9rli shy, i asked about majeed, oo r7t 3nda.

He looked like he was in so much pain. but he still managed to smile when he saw me, then his face suddenly got serious.

Majeed: Hala wein 25ook ?

oh shit.

Me: Umm ta7at g3d ystanna bl sayara, bs ygool salamat

His face looked relaxed, but still in pain. 

Me: Majeed..

tears started forming in my eyes.

Majeed: Halool t3ali

i started coming closer but i was afraid to get too close he looked so fragile.

He laughed: t3ali 3adii

i went closer and he started playing with my hair. I think i saw tears bs I'm not sure, i felt like hugging him but i was afraid that i'd break his bones.

Majeed: Hala mmkn 6lab plz ?

Me: a-a-akeeed

Majeed: 3adi plz bs ts2alein 3an "Peter Wellington" ..

im guessing he's the guy in the coma

Me: akeed dgeega

i found a nurse and asked her about him

Nurse: I'm afraid Mr. Wellington is still in the same state he was in.

Me: How bad is his situation exactly ?

i was afraid of the answer.

Nurse: It's better than many cases we have dealt with, he's not in good condition though

I was on my way back to Majeed, and ran into Nayef going the same way, he still had that sweet look on his face but i can see enna ta3ban, he had bruises all over his arms.

Nayef smiled: haaa wein el nas ya halaa?

I blushed: hnaa (ya m9li)

Me: Nayef can you tell me esh 9ar b'6ab6

Nayef: Ana w majeed knna 6l3een mn m63am, oo majeed kan ysoog, it was dark oo bl'3ala6 majeed 5aba6 el rjal, he feels so bad about it, m3 enna it wasn't his fault, el rjjal kan yrk'6 oo kan mrra '6alam, b3dha majeed lost control oo 5b6na b 3mood, ha4a keif ana oo hwa 9rlna k4a, bs 7amdella 3la kl 7al !

Me: 7amdella 3la salamtkm.

Sallamt 3la majeed and told him enna lazm arja3 el beit even though bs g3dt 10 mns, bs el shams bdat t6la3 !

Majeed: Hala ta3ali

i came, he kissed me on the cheek. i blushed like crazy and squeezed his arm.

3la6ool nzlt ta7at oo lgeit cab oo rja3t el beit. S3ood oo Nora kano lssa nymeen, so i slept for what seemed like forever...

Until nora interrupted 

Nora: gooooomi yal kaslana sa3a w7da w n9 !!

Me: Nora roo7i banaaaaaam

bs nora ga3adat foog ra9i lein gmt.

I told Nora everything she got shocked oo 3a9abt 3shan ma 97et'ha oo mdree esh.

Nora: 6yb esma3i ana oo s3ood bnroo7 njeeb '3ada, bnakl hna b3den bn6l3 ok ?

Me: ok

Majeed bbmd me 

3abdlMajeed: Hala b a7la Hala <3

Me: Ahlein :*
Me: kefk l7een ?

3abdlMajeed: 7amdella by6l3ooni mn el mstashfa bkra bs ma 7gdr a6la3 mn el beit

Me: don't worry bkoon m3ak the whole time :*

Was i not supposed to say that ?

Majeed: E4a k4a then I'm glad enni ma b6la3 :*

I smiled and looked out the window.. en9adamt 9admat el 3mr.

Nora and S3ood ?!

الأحد، 29 أبريل 2012

Chapter 5

Bsmalla wsh fiii ??

*on bbm*

Me: esh fi majeed ? inshalla 5eir ??

he didn't answer !


lssa ma rad ! i started worrying, r7t 3nd nora oo 97et'ha. i showed her the convo.

Nora: "Mmmm ok mskeen e6la3i 3nda"

Oo she went back to bed. What do i do ? akeed ma b6l3 3nda at this time. i checked my phone and pinged him again, ymkn 10 times.

5 minutes later i got a message from him

3abdlMajeed: Hala mdree keif agollk..

Me: Majeed 3adi golli youre worrying me !

3abdlMajeed: Hala walla ma knt ga9d

Me: Majeed ga9d esh ??

he didn't answer 


Me: Majeed is it 3an el rjjal elli kan m3km lyoom ?

3abdlMajeed: la la mala da5l

Me: Majeed please tell me esh fi !

3abdlMajeed: Hala i think i killed a man

Chapter 4

A333 i really do feel like I'm in love ! but i can't feel this way i just can't ! i never talk to guys !
I just went to sleep right away without checking my phone wla shy.
I woke up around  12 pm, Nora and S3ood were eating croissants mn paul w they were watching a chelsea and man utd match. Nora laffat oo shafatni oo both of them sallamo 3lay.

Me: "Ahh s3ood t3rf 3abdlMajeed AlFlan elli beta foogk ?"

S3ood: "Eee 5oosh rjjal, shfeee?"

I told him that he dropped me from the airport. Malam7a t'3ayart shwy. S3ood was never the over protective brother since he's been living in London ever since he started college, which was 5 years ago (He's 23 now), bs lssa yt'6ayyg when i talk about guys. You can say S3ood is attractive, not to me, but to other girls. He's not that tall, and not that m3a'6l, bs he has a good looking face. 

Me and Nora decided to go watch a movie bl cinema, so we got dressed w 6l3na. Ma kan lee 5lg atrattb so lbst leggings oo gmee9 6weel oo cardigan, bs Nora ka 3adatha mtrattba oo mdree esh a7s nafsi walad lama a6l3 m3ha :| So r7na picaddily oo da5alna el movie, kan mrra y9ay7, oo lama 5alla9 kan wajhna mfagga3 mn el 9yaa7. I opened my bb b3d ma 6l3na oo shft DM b twitter, it was from Majeed. it was sent half an hour ago.

@3abdlM_ : shoooofi meen waraak ;)

La la la la, he did NOT just see me cry like that ! maybe he thought i was someone else. i looked around to see if theres any sign of him ..


Yooo 4ol y6al3o b kl mkan ?!

Nayef kan m3 Majeed oo wa7d idk meen hwa. They saw us I'm sure bs ma sallamo, and they looked so serious, weird. 

Ana w nora mshena shwy b leicester square, oo fj2a a7ad ja masak yaddi mn wara, Majeed. Of course.
He had an amazing smile on, which was weird because he looked so serious gabl shwy. 

Majeed : "Ahlein"

Me: "Halaa"

Majeed: "Sh5bar el zeen ?"

Since when did he start flirting with me ?

Me: "Tmam wenta?"

Majeed: "Tmam"

We were staring at each other for what seemed like ages, Nayef interrupted.

Nayef: "Oo ana mali salam ??"

Me: "Ahlein Nayef" And then i looked back at Majeed and he was still staring at me, this is supposed to make me feel uncomfortable but it didn't, it gave me butterflies. 

After a few seconds we snapped out of it oo looked around, nora and nayef weren't there. i didn't care i was actually happy.

Majeed: "Haw wein ra7o 4ool, ymkn sawo feena zy ma sawena feehm ams 3shan they thought ennena mayteen 3la ba3'6" he winked.


i also blushed like crazy.

Majeed: "wsh d3waaa tst7een mafi shy" oo he hugged me.

His hug felt so warm but stiff because of his muscles. i really do think i have feelings for him.

He held my hand and started walking i followed him, i wonder where he was going.

We walked for about 5 minutes, then we arrived to what seemed like a park, there were sooo many trees.
We sat on the grass, he patted his lap k2anna ygolli lean on my lap. i didn't of course ! 

Majeed: "yalla 3adi ma bsawii shy !" 

Me: "La its ok k4a kways"

Majeed: "Eshta'3al my bbm lyoom"

Me: "Oh really add me"


Majeed smiled: "Sure"

I added him and right away he changed his status : I think i found her <3

I was bbming Nora and she was telling me about how much she loves nayef and me the same about Majeed.

Majeed: "Haaa meen tkalmeeeeen?"

And he was trying to get my phone from my hand, we were laughing so hard, i felt happy. He took my phone and bdoon ga9d i leaned on him 3shan a54a. i froze lama staw3abt. he gave me back my phone bs i didn't move. he had his hand around my shoulder and ana i was leaning on his chest. My phone was vibrating like crazy, but i still didn't move.

Majeed: "Tra your phone is vibrating"

Me: "Adree" we were both looking at the trees elli gddamna

Majeed: "Leh ma tft7een?"

Me: "Mabi"

Majeed: "K4a kways y3ny?"

Me: "Ee.. k4a mmtaz"

We stayed like that for about 15 minutes until his phone rang. 

Majeed: "Nayef oo nora yboona nroo7 3ndhm, hmma gddam el cinema"

So we went 3ndhm, mdree leh e7na elli daymn nroo7lhm. Nayef oo Majeed said they have to go somewhere. it was 3:30 so ana w nora decided enna ntmasha. raj3na el beit s3a 7, oo the whole time Majeed didn't send me anything, weird. 

Kl mrra as2al nora 3an nayef tgool mafi shy mafi shy. '3reeba.

Me s3ood and nora were playing call of duty 3al ps3, i know '3reeba enna s3ood hna. it was actually fun. i went to bed, bs 97et at 3 from my phone someone was pinging me.

3abdlMajeed : Ahlein hala kefk ?


3abdlMajeed: Hala i need your help


3abdlMajeed: im in trouble.

**Follow me on twitter !!

السبت، 28 أبريل 2012

i know enna the last chapters were a little boring bs i promise things will get really interesting ! so keep reading xxx

Chapter 3

What ? Did nora just say Nayef ?! how does she know him ??

Nayef: "NORA? Nora alflani ???"

Nora: "Eee ya allah ma a9addg keifkk ??"

They both stopped for a minute oo 6ala3o fini. I was in shock. And they noticed and they both cracked up. Um what ? 

Nayef: *laughing* "Halaa wsh feek en9adamtii ?! Ya7leeelk"

I didn't move, and he hugged me. Wait he hugged me ! and i still didn't move. How did nora know nayef hee mob mn el noo3 elli ykallm shbab!

Nora: "Halaa Nayef my 2nd cousin, knt daymn ashoofa b shalaih 3noud my cousin fl shargiya"

Me: "ahh 9dg, 6yb 7lo what a coincidence"

I felt jealous, mdree leh but i felt jealous.

I looked behind Nayef and saw Majeed coming. He was holding a Ben's cookies bag, my favorite cookies ! I completely forgot about Nayef and Nora and went towards Majeed.


Majeed: *laughed* "haha tfa'6alii" oo he took out a cookie from a bag

Ya5i walla ya7lelaa Majeed ! 

Me: "Thanks walla ! mrra a7b bens cookies!"

Majeed: "wsh d3wa enjoy it" oo he winked at me.

I think i melted.

I blushed oo 9ar wajhi 6ma6ma, why am i feeling this way ?! 

We went back 3nd Nayef oo Nora and they didn't even notice i was gone, actually hya oo nayef would make a cute couple, they're both gorgeous.

Majeed: "Ha4i 9digtk elli m3 nayef?" he looked bothered

Me: "Eeeee t5ayal 6la3 enna nayef her 2nd cousin."

Majeed: looked relaxed again "Ahh 9dg ?"

They looked so d5leen b jaw el convo.

Me: "Yoo shooof ha4oli mayteen 3la ba3'6"

We both laughed so hard, everyone around us looked at us except them.

Majeed: "Ya5i 5llhm 4ool t3ali ana oo enti ntmasha shwy"

Me: "Ok sure"

We were walking around oxford street, bs it was so crowded so mashena lein bond street, kan el jaw ahda.

Majeed: "Uf a5eeran hodoo2 shwy agdr asm3k"

Me: "Eee mn jd"

Majeed: *smiled* "So keif 25ook ?"

Me: "tmam 7amdella"

He was staring at me, and i was blushing, why does this guy make me blush?

Majeed: "Hala tit4akarein yom knt aji anam f bet el ba7ar 7gkm f jeddah ? Oo knna nl3ab bl crabs ?"

Me: *knt completely nasiya about that until this moment* "Ahhhhh ee ya allah ayam wallaa, oo yoom el crab mrra 3a'6ni oo knt abki oo ent jeet 76etli plaster oo kl shy"

Oh right thats why he makes me blush i had the biggest crush on him when i was 8.

Majeed: "Eee hahahaha" he looked like he was sincerely laughing, y3ny mn galbaa"

Majeed 3a6ani his twitter oo i followed him oo ho he followed me back.

We passed by ma7al jewelry, oo shft necklace mrra 7lo oo bdoon ma a7s glt "Omg mrra 7loo el necklace ta3al shoof"

Majeed: "ta3ali ajeeblk hwa"

Me: "La la la walla ma a5allik wsh d3waaa"

Our phones rang both b nafs el wgt, *Nora Calling*

Me: "Alo?"

Nora: "Wein r7too entoo ??"

Me: "Wla mkan bs knna ntmasha 3shan enti oo Nayef tgdroon titkallamoon"

Nora: "Ah ok 6yb ta3alo yalla g3d nstannakm gddam selfridges"

Me: "Ok" oo gaffalt el 5a6

Majed told me enna Nayef called oo enna they were waiting for us, so rj3na 3ndhm.

Nayef oo Majeed kano lazm yroo7oon mdree wsh 3ndhm ma knt mntbha 3la elli galoo

Nora was telling me keif hya oo nayef they were so close yom kant sakna fl shargya bs they lost contact lama jat ell riyadh, we shopped oo kl shy oo raj3na el beit.

Kan fi kees 9'3eer gddam el bab, i opened it, it was the necklace i liked ! Omg Majeed jabli the necklace ?!

Nora: "esh ha4a hala mani shayfa"

I showed her the necklace

Nora: "Yaaaay mrra 7lo mashalla mn meen ? m3goola s3ood a5ook jablk hya ?!"

Me: "No i think it was majeed."

Nora: "Majeeeed ?! oo leh yjblk majeed necklace ??"

i told her keif glt l majeed tht i liked it, oo galtli a6l3 3nda oo ashkra. so i did.

Nayef opened the door, a7ssa zy 25ooy, bs mo zy s3ood, la zy 25o 7leil yhtam 3la 25ta mb zy 4l balwa s3ood a9lan mdree wena l7een.

Nayef: "Hala hala sh5bark ?"

Me: "7amdella tmam, majeed mwjood ?"

Nayef: "Oo ma ts2aleen 3nni ? 6yb ya hala" he laughed "la la amz7 ee majeed jwa ta3ali ed5li"

I went in, the apartment smelled like 1 million, i love it. after ma ana oo nayef ga3adna nsoolf about random things for a few minutes, 6al3 majeed, got 3la6ool, when he saw he smiled. this guy can't help but make me melt, his hair was still wet, he was wearing a plain white shirt oo permuda jeans.

Majeed: "Haa jatk el hadiyaa?"

Me: "Eee 3shan k4a jeet 3shan agool thank you, bs walla ma agdar atgablha mnnk its too much !"

Majeed: "La haw ! a9lan mafi trjee3 bl ma7al"

Nayef: "Hala Nora ta7at?"

Me: "Ee enzllha e4a tb'3a mafi a7ad."

Nayef: "Hala mt2akda enna ha4a beit 25ook ?"

Kllna '67kna, nayef went out, oo ana w mjeed r7na ga3adna 3al couch and we talked about everything, about school, our friends, our teachers, our favorite foods, our favorite colors, everything. and i was beginning to fall for him, and i fell harder every time a word came out from his mouth.

Majeed: "el bbm 7agk ysht'3l ?"

oh no please don't ask me for my pin i can't add guys!

Me: "Uh eee"

Majeed: "La '3areeba 7agi mb ra'6i ysht'3l"


I came closer to see his bb, and i touched his hand bl '3ala6. i flinched, he looked at me with his amazing eyes, then smiled and moved his hand. we stayed that way for a couple of seconds, until we heard Nayef coming in. Omg its 10 ?! shit shit ! 

I went up and apologized because ma asset 3al wagt. Oo i went back down to Nora, s3ood lssa mo hna i couldn't care less.

Me and Nora bnafs el wagt : "I THINK IM IN LOVE"

Follow me on twitter ! 

Chapter 2

Omg he looked soo hot ! He was wearing a black dolce and gabbana shirt and grey sweat pants. He was holding a bag that looked exactly like mine.. wait that was my bag.

Nayef: " Hala hala, asef 3al ez3aj, bs lget shn6tk foog 3ndna" oo he handed me the bag

Me: "Laa don't worry, shkran walla ta3abt nafsk" i blushed

Nayef: "A5ook hna ? e4a ma 3nda shy 5al yji 3ndna foog!"

Me: "Umm la walla 6al3.."

Nayef: "Ma shfteeh lssa ??"

Me: "La walla msh'3ool bl jam3a fa ma gdr yji"

Nayef: "Bs bnam hna 9a7 ?"

Me: "Ee inshalla el mfroo'6!' *i lied*

Nayef: "6yb kways brga l majeed tbeen shy ?"

Me: "La tslam thanks for asking"

He smiled and went back up. At3ab oo agool cute. I went back to the couch oo fta7t twitter on my bb oo d5lt profile Nayef, his avatar was so hott ! His last tweet was "In London, great flight!". I wondered if it was because of me. Tlagaft oo shft tgreeban all his tweets, stalker adri. Ma kan fi ay tweet 3an a girl aw shy zy k4a. B3d el lagafa kallamt my friend, Nora, she's supposed to arrive to london tomorrow, oo btnam 3ndna fl beit, she's like a member of the family, oo she's closer to s3ood than i am.

Nora : "7amdella 3la salaaamtk !!!"

Me: "Alla ysallmk, kefk ??"

Nora: "7amdella tmam, wenti kefk ? oo keif london ?"

Me: "Tmam kwaysa tsallm 3leki"

She laughed. Nora was a very pretty girl, she had big black eyes, and long brown hair, ma t6la3 mn el beit bdoon red lipstick oo 6an perfume.

Nora: "Bkra bw9l london sa3a 12 el '6hr ya welek tit2a5arein, kallmi sawagk s3eed mn l7een golilaa"

Me: "Amri shy thani smw el ameera Nora ?"

Nora: *laughed '67ka tasleekiya* "yalla bye ashoofk bkra enshalla"

oo gaffalat el 5a6.

Rja3t fta7t twitter since ma 3ndi shy thani asawi oo shft a tweet mn Nayef "Stuck outside the apartment and @3abdlM_ naym :)". i couldn't help laughing. I DM'd him.

@Halool_Al: Need any help ?:p

@Nayef57: loll how can u help ?

@Halool_Al: i can help you wake Majeed up :D

@Nayef57: yalla ta3ali, floor 15 foogk b dooreen.

Fata7t el shan6a oo 6alla3t the first thing i saw, which was my fushee juicy training oo lbsta (I was wearing my pjs) oo 6ala3t foog. Nayef kan ga3d 3al ar'6 jamb el bab, he was on his bb. awal ma jeet he looked up and smiled.

Nayef: "Keif bn9a7ee?"

Me: "ndg el bab wl jaras lein y97a" i winked, was that flirty in any way ? i hope not

Nayef: he laughed "Yalla ana badg el bab wenti emski el jars" he winked back

We went towards the door and started knocking like crazy! it was actually funny, ashkalna kant tfag3 mn el '67k. b3d tgreeban dgeegteen fata7 3abdlMajeed el bab. OMG HE LOOKED SO SO HOT. even hotter mn el m6ar ! kan labs black sweat pants, bs. his skin was sooo tan he had an amaaaaazing body, oo shakla kan mfagg3 mn el noom, cute. His eyes widened when he saw me. i blushed i think 9ar wajhi 6ama6m.

3abdlMajeed: "Ahlein hala, sorry ma knt adri ennk jayya"

Me: "La wshd3wa ana asfa bs jeet 3shan asa3d nayef y9a7ik"

We all laughed, oo ana sallamt 3lehm oo nzlt ta7at.

Akalt cupcakes, oo i bbmd Nora.

Me: "Nora beware hotties alert foogna b'6ab6."

Nora: "Ya salaaam <3<3 yalla nagili wa7d =))"

Me: "Ee enshalla lamma tjeen naggi el tbeenaa"

Nora: "enshalla yalla eskti broo7 anam gd night:*"

Mdree keif mrrat el sa3at oo 9arat 12, oo nmt. The next day 97eet 3la 9oot S3ood.

S3ood: "Weeeeeeein 25ti 7beeebti a7la 25t bl dnyaaaa ????"

Ya m9lk ya s3ood.

Me: "hnaaa nayma b '3orfatha"

He came oo hugged me oo sallam 3lay"

S3ood: "m7lawwa mashalla!"

i blushed m3 enni daria enna ytfalsaf w bas.

S3ood: "yalla goomi el sa3a 10 mo lazm t6la3een lel m6ar tjibin nora ?"

Me: "Ella"

Kan s3eed el sawag ynt'6rni bl syara, it was 11. 6ala3t bl sayara oo i tweeted "off to heathrow". B3d thawani i got a DM.

@Nayef57: amdaaak tw9alein 3shan trja3en ? ;O

@Halool_Al: Haha laa bjeeb 9digti bss :p

Sallamt 3la Nora, kanat mt7amsa oo ma tbi trja3 el beet, ella tbi troo7 selfridges

Nora: "Yalla Hala la t9ereen bay5a 5al nroo7 hnaaaak mani ta3banaaa !!!"

Me: "Yoo 6yb, s3eed roo7 selfridges lw sm7t"

S3eed: "Amri"

Oxford street kanat malyanaa s3oodiyeen, oo benhm meeeeeeen ? Nayef oo Majeed.

Nora noticed that we were looking at each other and smiling.

Nora: "Ahaaa ajal ha4ol hmma el hotties elli tgoolili 3nnhm haaa ?"

Me: "eeee eskti bs"

Nora: "Zyoooon mashalla!!"

They were coming towards us.

Nora: "NAYEF ?!"

الجمعة، 27 أبريل 2012

Chapter 1

Awal mrra asafr lw7di oo kant mn el Riyadh l London, fa kant r7la 6weela, oo ma kint nayma kways since el r7la kant s3a 6 el 9ba7. Bs kan ga3d jmbi wa7d zeeinnn oo mrra 7leeel. His name was Nayef, mrra a7b hal esm. 6gena 97ba b hal 6 s3at.

Nayef: "Hala shaklk t3bti nami"

Me: " La la im fine, thank you"

He smiled the half smile zy 7gt Ian Somerhalder, b'3et amoot.

Nayef: "Leh msafra lw7dk ?"

Me: "My dad 3nda sh'3l lein el shahr el jay, oo ana 5alla9t madrasa lyoom, fa bg3d 3nd a5ooy lein yji baba, w enta ?"

Nayef: "Ahh 7lo fi a7ad bya54k mn el m6ar ? W ana walla nafs el 7ala t8reeban bs bg3d 3nd 9a7bi"

Cuuuute ys2al e4a fi a7ad bya54niii!

Me: "Ee el mfroo'6 a5ooy byji, thanks for asking ! and u ?"

Nayef: "I think 9digi"

Ok i lied to him i was really tired l darajat enna he said something after oo ma sma3t oo nmt..

When i woke up, lagett nfsi on his shoulder, so embarrassing ! gmt 3la6ool and i was apologizing so much. He looked sooo hot ! and his shoulder felt so m3a'6l, his skin was tanned oo sh3ro kan mohawk (moo crazy eli k4a 5feef).

Nayef: "Haw wsh da3wa hala ! leh gmti 5alliki lssa bagi sa3aa nami bs nmti n9 sa3a !"

Hala: " La la walla sorry mdree keif nmt ma 7asset 3la nafsi sorry"

Nayef: "La tgooleen sorry tra bz3l walla ma sweti shy!"

I blushed, and he smiled his sexy half smile again. S2al 3nni, i told him esmi Hala Alflani, 16, live with my dad, he didn't ask about my mom, e7aramta l ha4a el shy, because i don't feel comfortable talking about my parent's divorce.. Oo ho galli 3an nafsa, esma Nayef Alflan, he's 20.

"We will be arriving to London in 5 minutes, thank you for choosing British Airways"

Usually, i love hearing these words, but this time i don't, i wanted to stay with Nayef, his gf is one lucky girl, y3ny ymkn ma 3nda gf bs y3ny wa7d zyya akeed he does, 97 ? Sallamna 3la ba3'6 gable ma n6la3 mn el 6ayara. oo we followed each other on twitter.

5atamt el passport oo kl shy, b3den wa9alt 3nd el shena6, ya allah keif bajib shna6i ?! Ma lgeit 7ammaleen ysa3doni. Batfashl. Wagaft  3nd h4a el shy 7g el shna6 elli ydoor oo ga3adt astanna. Shft Nayef bs i didn't look at him bcz i felt enni btfashl oo didnt want to make eye contact. Shft shn6ti tjahazt nafisyan lel tafsheela elli btijini oo jeet bamd yaddi oo a54 el shn6a bs fj2a ja a7ad mn warai oo a5a4li hya. It was Nayef.

Me: "Thanks walla ta3abtk u didnt have to !"

Nayef: "Laa shd3wa 5feefa el shn6aa, 3ndk wa7da thanya?"

Me: " Umm ee bs 3adi walla ana agdr ajibha thank u !"

Nayef: "Laa what kind of man would i be e4a 5allet but t7ml shn6haa ? bs goolili lama tji oo bajblk hya"

Fi akyat ? We waited a few minutes oo 36ani el shena6 oo rj3na sallamna 3la ba3'6 oo rja3t i thanked him oo 6la3t, ya allah wein s3ood ? mafroo'6 ykoon hna, 6alla3t jawali 3shan aklma wlla lgeta ba3atli msg "Hala sorry i have a lecture can't pick you up called a cab to do that though ! 7amdella 3ala salamtk, text me lama tw9li". Allah y5ssk ya s3ood, wsh faydat ennk kallamt cab el m6ar malyan takasi, ufffffffffffffffffff. i was waving my hand 3shan yji taxi oo ja, lamma jeet bad5l ja Nayef, ya allah barja3 atfashal, oo ha4i el mrra m3a 9a7ba, zyyo y5aggeg. 

Nayef: " Hala wein a5ook ? leh 6al3a b cab ?"

Me: "S3ood 6l3 3nd lecture ma gdr yji" oo i showed him the text.

Nayef: "Ahh 5sara 6yb btjeen m3ana, ha4a 9a7bi elli gtlk 3leh, 3abdlMajeed."

3abdlMajeed: "ahlein kefk ?" 

He seemed to sweet. and he looked familiar.

Me: "7amdella tmam, bs walla ma bta3bk akthar mn k4a lyoom ! ymkn beti b3eed 3n m.."

Nayef ga6a3ni: "Hala bt6la3een m3na wein betk?"

Me: "eb knightsbridge wra harrods."

3abdlmajeed: " W ana agoooooool wein shayfk mn awaaal, e7na bl door elli foogkm, bet Alflani 97?"

Me: "Eeeee 9aa7 t4akartkk, shloonk oo shloon el waled wl walda ?"

He laughed : "7amdella tmam, yalla ta3ali m3na"

I went with them oo wa9aloni el beit. S3ood lssa ma kan fi, ashwa m3ay el mfta7 wlla int tfashalt akthar. i thanked them both so much oo r7t el ma6ba5 oo a5a4t chips oo fata7t el tv oo ga3adt akl. Jawali ran "S3ood calling".

Me: "Alo ?"

S3ood : "7amdella 3la salamtk 7bbt ! walla w7ashtini moooooooot"

Me: *ya na9ab* "Alla ysallmk, w ana akthar"

S3ood: "Halool sorry walla bs banam 3nd 5weyi lyoom r u ok bl bet lw7dk ?"

Me: "Ee 3adi bye"

Oo gaffalt el 5a6, me and stood are frenemies, we act so nice to each other bs nkrah b3'6.

It was still 2 so 8arrat aroo7 harrods madam greeb, so nzlt oo r7t, it was cold for june, bs i love the weather here. Ya allah mrra a7b harrods 6l3t oo kan m3y 4 bags. i went home at around 6. T7ammat oo 6lbt hummingbird cupcakes, my favorite. Ga3adt akl oo atfarraj tv, today was not a productive day i was really tired. 3la 7dood el s3a 8 k4a, the door bell rang, glt akeed S3ood ybi ya5e4 ashya2a oo yroo7. R7t fata7t el bab.

It was Nayef.

-Im just trying this blog think out ! 
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