Chapter 1
Awal mrra asafr lw7di oo kant mn el Riyadh l London, fa kant r7la 6weela, oo ma kint nayma kways since el r7la kant s3a 6 el 9ba7. Bs kan ga3d jmbi wa7d zeeinnn oo mrra 7leeel. His name was Nayef, mrra a7b hal esm. 6gena 97ba b hal 6 s3at.
Nayef: "Hala shaklk t3bti nami"
Me: " La la im fine, thank you"
He smiled the half smile zy 7gt Ian Somerhalder, b'3et amoot.
Nayef: "Leh msafra lw7dk ?"
Me: "My dad 3nda sh'3l lein el shahr el jay, oo ana 5alla9t madrasa lyoom, fa bg3d 3nd a5ooy lein yji baba, w enta ?"
Nayef: "Ahh 7lo fi a7ad bya54k mn el m6ar ? W ana walla nafs el 7ala t8reeban bs bg3d 3nd 9a7bi"
Cuuuute ys2al e4a fi a7ad bya54niii!
Me: "Ee el mfroo'6 a5ooy byji, thanks for asking ! and u ?"
Nayef: "I think 9digi"
Ok i lied to him i was really tired l darajat enna he said something after oo ma sma3t oo nmt..
When i woke up, lagett nfsi on his shoulder, so embarrassing ! gmt 3la6ool and i was apologizing so much. He looked sooo hot ! and his shoulder felt so m3a'6l, his skin was tanned oo sh3ro kan mohawk (moo crazy eli k4a 5feef).
Nayef: "Haw wsh da3wa hala ! leh gmti 5alliki lssa bagi sa3aa nami bs nmti n9 sa3a !"
Hala: " La la walla sorry mdree keif nmt ma 7asset 3la nafsi sorry"
Nayef: "La tgooleen sorry tra bz3l walla ma sweti shy!"
I blushed, and he smiled his sexy half smile again. S2al 3nni, i told him esmi Hala Alflani, 16, live with my dad, he didn't ask about my mom, e7aramta l ha4a el shy, because i don't feel comfortable talking about my parent's divorce.. Oo ho galli 3an nafsa, esma Nayef Alflan, he's 20.
"We will be arriving to London in 5 minutes, thank you for choosing British Airways"
Usually, i love hearing these words, but this time i don't, i wanted to stay with Nayef, his gf is one lucky girl, y3ny ymkn ma 3nda gf bs y3ny wa7d zyya akeed he does, 97 ? Sallamna 3la ba3'6 gable ma n6la3 mn el 6ayara. oo we followed each other on twitter.
5atamt el passport oo kl shy, b3den wa9alt 3nd el shena6, ya allah keif bajib shna6i ?! Ma lgeit 7ammaleen ysa3doni. Batfashl. Wagaft 3nd h4a el shy 7g el shna6 elli ydoor oo ga3adt astanna. Shft Nayef bs i didn't look at him bcz i felt enni btfashl oo didnt want to make eye contact. Shft shn6ti tjahazt nafisyan lel tafsheela elli btijini oo jeet bamd yaddi oo a54 el shn6a bs fj2a ja a7ad mn warai oo a5a4li hya. It was Nayef.
Me: "Thanks walla ta3abtk u didnt have to !"
Nayef: "Laa shd3wa 5feefa el shn6aa, 3ndk wa7da thanya?"
Me: " Umm ee bs 3adi walla ana agdr ajibha thank u !"
Nayef: "Laa what kind of man would i be e4a 5allet but t7ml shn6haa ? bs goolili lama tji oo bajblk hya"
Fi akyat ? We waited a few minutes oo 36ani el shena6 oo rj3na sallamna 3la ba3'6 oo rja3t i thanked him oo 6la3t, ya allah wein s3ood ? mafroo'6 ykoon hna, 6alla3t jawali 3shan aklma wlla lgeta ba3atli msg "Hala sorry i have a lecture can't pick you up called a cab to do that though ! 7amdella 3ala salamtk, text me lama tw9li". Allah y5ssk ya s3ood, wsh faydat ennk kallamt cab el m6ar malyan takasi, ufffffffffffffffffff. i was waving my hand 3shan yji taxi oo ja, lamma jeet bad5l ja Nayef, ya allah barja3 atfashal, oo ha4i el mrra m3a 9a7ba, zyyo y5aggeg.
Nayef: " Hala wein a5ook ? leh 6al3a b cab ?"
Me: "S3ood 6l3 3nd lecture ma gdr yji" oo i showed him the text.
Nayef: "Ahh 5sara 6yb btjeen m3ana, ha4a 9a7bi elli gtlk 3leh, 3abdlMajeed."
3abdlMajeed: "ahlein kefk ?"
He seemed to sweet. and he looked familiar.
Me: "7amdella tmam, bs walla ma bta3bk akthar mn k4a lyoom ! ymkn beti b3eed 3n m.."
Nayef ga6a3ni: "Hala bt6la3een m3na wein betk?"
Me: "eb knightsbridge wra harrods."
3abdlmajeed: " W ana agoooooool wein shayfk mn awaaal, e7na bl door elli foogkm, bet Alflani 97?"
Me: "Eeeee 9aa7 t4akartkk, shloonk oo shloon el waled wl walda ?"
He laughed : "7amdella tmam, yalla ta3ali m3na"
I went with them oo wa9aloni el beit. S3ood lssa ma kan fi, ashwa m3ay el mfta7 wlla int tfashalt akthar. i thanked them both so much oo r7t el ma6ba5 oo a5a4t chips oo fata7t el tv oo ga3adt akl. Jawali ran "S3ood calling".
Me: "Alo ?"
S3ood : "7amdella 3la salamtk 7bbt ! walla w7ashtini moooooooot"
Me: *ya na9ab* "Alla ysallmk, w ana akthar"
S3ood: "Halool sorry walla bs banam 3nd 5weyi lyoom r u ok bl bet lw7dk ?"
Me: "Ee 3adi bye"
Oo gaffalt el 5a6, me and stood are frenemies, we act so nice to each other bs nkrah b3'6.
It was still 2 so 8arrat aroo7 harrods madam greeb, so nzlt oo r7t, it was cold for june, bs i love the weather here. Ya allah mrra a7b harrods 6l3t oo kan m3y 4 bags. i went home at around 6. T7ammat oo 6lbt hummingbird cupcakes, my favorite. Ga3adt akl oo atfarraj tv, today was not a productive day i was really tired. 3la 7dood el s3a 8 k4a, the door bell rang, glt akeed S3ood ybi ya5e4 ashya2a oo yroo7. R7t fata7t el bab.
It was Nayef.
-Im just trying this blog think out !
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ردحذفi like the first chapter ..