Chapter 6
I held my breath for a few seconds, and stood still. I didn't know what to think.
He think he killed a man ?
3abdlMajeed: Hala please answer i didn't mean to walla
Y3ny esh ybeeni agooool ??
Me: what happened ?
3abdlMajeed: it happened so quickly
Me: what did ??
Me: Majeed wenk ?
3abdlMajeed: bl mstashfa ..
Me: WHAT ? leh ???
Me: ay mstashfa ??
3abdlMajeed: Hala ma btjeen el sa3a tgreeban 4 ..
Me: I don't care b97i s3ood oo bnji
3abdlMajeed: el hospital elflani
Me: I'm coming, but first tell me esh 9ar ?
3abdlMajeed: knt asoog oo nayef kan m3ay bl sayara..
omg don't tell me he killed nayef
Me: Ok ????? esh 9ar ????
3abdlMajeed: I hit someone on the road
Me: Majeed I'm sure ma kan ga9dk its ok:*:* bs esh 9arla l7een y3ny mat ?
3abdlMajeed: lssa, hes in a coma
Me: 6yb majeed you didn't kill him don't worry he'll be fine enshalla *hug smiley*
Me: Oo nayef 9arla shy ?
3abdlMajeed: La 7amdella ho tmam bs bruises
Me: oo ent ??
3abdlMajeed: i broke a rib bs I'm okay walla
I think that broke my heart, he doesn't even care that he almost died he only cares about the man he ALMOST killed :"(
The minute i got the msg r7t 97et s3ood ywadini el mstashfa.
S3ood kan n9 nayem so i don't think sama3 elli glta
S3ood: 5alli s3eed ywadik
oo he went back to bed.
am7ag a5.
7awalt a9a7i nora bs ma 97at b sab3 noomha el 25t.
akeed ma bkallm s3eed at this time mskeen, so 6l3t brra oo ga3adt adawr cab, adri its very dangerous oo law a7ad ektashaf mmkn y4ba7ni bs i don't care, i have to see majeed.
After ymkn 5 mns i found a cab oo gltlla yroo7 el mstashfa el flani. honestly i was scared i never did anything like this. ever.
7amdella w9alt el mstashfa bdoon ma y9rli shy, i asked about majeed, oo r7t 3nda.
He looked like he was in so much pain. but he still managed to smile when he saw me, then his face suddenly got serious.
Majeed: Hala wein 25ook ?
oh shit.
Me: Umm ta7at g3d ystanna bl sayara, bs ygool salamat
His face looked relaxed, but still in pain.
Me: Majeed..
tears started forming in my eyes.
Majeed: Halool t3ali
i started coming closer but i was afraid to get too close he looked so fragile.
He laughed: t3ali 3adii
i went closer and he started playing with my hair. I think i saw tears bs I'm not sure, i felt like hugging him but i was afraid that i'd break his bones.
Majeed: Hala mmkn 6lab plz ?
Me: a-a-akeeed
Majeed: 3adi plz bs ts2alein 3an "Peter Wellington" ..
im guessing he's the guy in the coma
Me: akeed dgeega
i found a nurse and asked her about him
Nurse: I'm afraid Mr. Wellington is still in the same state he was in.
Me: How bad is his situation exactly ?
i was afraid of the answer.
Nurse: It's better than many cases we have dealt with, he's not in good condition though
I was on my way back to Majeed, and ran into Nayef going the same way, he still had that sweet look on his face but i can see enna ta3ban, he had bruises all over his arms.
Nayef smiled: haaa wein el nas ya halaa?
I blushed: hnaa (ya m9li)
Me: Nayef can you tell me esh 9ar b'6ab6
Nayef: Ana w majeed knna 6l3een mn m63am, oo majeed kan ysoog, it was dark oo bl'3ala6 majeed 5aba6 el rjal, he feels so bad about it, m3 enna it wasn't his fault, el rjjal kan yrk'6 oo kan mrra '6alam, b3dha majeed lost control oo 5b6na b 3mood, ha4a keif ana oo hwa 9rlna k4a, bs 7amdella 3la kl 7al !
Me: 7amdella 3la salamtkm.
Sallamt 3la majeed and told him enna lazm arja3 el beit even though bs g3dt 10 mns, bs el shams bdat t6la3 !
Majeed: Hala ta3ali
i came, he kissed me on the cheek. i blushed like crazy and squeezed his arm.
3la6ool nzlt ta7at oo lgeit cab oo rja3t el beit. S3ood oo Nora kano lssa nymeen, so i slept for what seemed like forever...
Until nora interrupted
Nora: gooooomi yal kaslana sa3a w7da w n9 !!
Me: Nora roo7i banaaaaaam
bs nora ga3adat foog ra9i lein gmt.
I told Nora everything she got shocked oo 3a9abt 3shan ma 97et'ha oo mdree esh.
Nora: 6yb esma3i ana oo s3ood bnroo7 njeeb '3ada, bnakl hna b3den bn6l3 ok ?
Me: ok
Majeed bbmd me
3abdlMajeed: Hala b a7la Hala <3
Me: Ahlein :*
Me: kefk l7een ?
3abdlMajeed: 7amdella by6l3ooni mn el mstashfa bkra bs ma 7gdr a6la3 mn el beit
Me: don't worry bkoon m3ak the whole time :*
Was i not supposed to say that ?
Majeed: E4a k4a then I'm glad enni ma b6la3 :*
I smiled and looked out the window.. en9adamt 9admat el 3mr.
Nora and S3ood ?!
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